IP address lookup, IP location, IP tracer


How accurate is IP Address Geolocation

IP Geolocation lookup can show you the country, city, state/region, postal/zip code, Internet Service Provider, and time zone, etc. derived form that. You may not be able to know the exact owner of the same.

Determining the actual physical location of an IP address down to a ZIP code or town is almost impossible unless you use the help of government or law enforcement officials.

Location detection about the country of IP address is pretty easy and reliable as IP addresses are mapped officially among countries. If you used the tools on this site, you might have already figured that out.

We’re showing you location information fetched from multiple unique databases. And the reason behind that is to let you understand the fact that any IP-to-Location resolving tool you see on the internet will show very similar results. These tool results are based on fixed databases. No IP Lookup Tool is 100% accurate and dynamic to real-time changes.

The IP-Location databased often contain information from these sources:

  • Address of Registered Owner of the IP Address (this can be very different from the location of the person who’s using that IP Address)
  • Location information from devices/users collected (often with consent) while they were using that IP Address.

Companies usually charge for using these kinds of data. One such service is located in the IP Geolocation page. Check the “alternative IP location” service.

Even though IP Geolocation information may not be pinpoint accurate, it usually puts an internet user in a nearby town or region, which may be good enough for someone who wants to know where the website visitor belongs to.
A real-world example: I had once noticed, from IP Locator info, a blog-commenter from the University of Missouri and it took me less than a minute to figure out who that person could be! (I had just one friend in there who could be interested in my personal blog.)

Comment here and let me know why you’re looking up the IP Address today and if you need help. I would love to respond as soon as I can.